D.S.R Yuvasena has embarked on a revolutionary journey which will see young leaders emerge from the grass root. The doors of D.S.R Yuvasena are open to everyone and the process of electing and grooming young leaders is on. D.S.R Yuvasena is largest youth which brings many social activities and help to the poor people.
D.S.R Yuvasena started with respected BObbili Sridher sir and D.S.R Yuvasena members as follows:
VicePresident :NUKALA KAMAL
Comity Members :
1 Bobbili Sridher 9440127387
2 Banda Kishore reddy 9885831381
3 Nukala Kamal 7569047372
4 Aithu Looka 9866695900
5 Parshavena Sathish 9441130967
6 Poosala Vamshi 9492791528
7 Vollala Saikrishna 9505505544
8 Elupula Sravankumar 8885201326
9 Pandu Raju 8886373059
10 Komuroju Dileep 8099834046
11 Elupula Sandeep 9912696552
12 Vodnala Mahesh 9666163846
13 Adduri Saikiran 9985437438
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